BNZ is Closed for Good... ...and calls for community projects across the country

Friday 17 February 2012, 10:27AM



On May 8, BNZ employees and members of the community will be getting stuck into some of the thousands of odd jobs that that need doing around New Zealand while the bank is “Closed for Good”.

BNZ is calling for fences to paint, gardens to weed, holes to dig, websites to build, as well as any other specialised jobs which may need doing by community organisations across New Zealand.

In what has become New Zealand’s biggest day of corporate volunteering, Closed for Good sees BNZ stores and offices around New Zealand close their doors for one day so that staff may help community and not-for-profit groups with projects that support the wider community.

This is the third time BNZ has undertaken Closed for Good, with the bank hoping to attract 8,000 volunteers and 800 projects, as 2012 brings a change to the usual format.

“This year we’re making the day bigger and better, by also inviting the public to roll up their sleeves, and join us around the country. We want to help more community organisations and projects, and make this our best Closed for Good yet,” says BNZ CEO Andrew Thorburn.

Last year more than 3,000 BNZ staff helped out across New Zealand on over 500 different community projects.

Projects will be undertaken all around the country, with community and volunteer organisations able to submit projects by visiting

Submissions for projects are due by March 16, and volunteer registrations due by April 8.