Christchurch Earthquake Memorial Gathering

Monday 20 February 2012, 2:17PM

By University of Otago



Otago Museum Reserve, Wednesday 22 February

The University of Otago and the Otago University Students Association in collaboration with the Dunedin City Council will host a memorial gathering at the Otago Museum Reserve on Wednesday 22 February to mark the anniversary of the February 2011 Christchurch earthquake.

This is a community wide event and those wishing to attend are most welcome and asked to gather at the Museum Reserve by 12:40pm. A formal welcome followed by a Mayoral address will lead into two minutes silence beginning at 12:51pm. This will be followed by a closing karakia from the University Chaplain and an address by a former Christchurch resident now living in Dunedin.

For those unable to attend it is hoped that the two minutes silence will be observed no matter where people will be at 12:51pm.