Attempted abduction of 15 year old school girl

Monday 20 February 2012, 4:16PM

By New Zealand Police



This morning at 9.40am a fifteen year old female was physically grabbed by two males who tried to abduct her.

Detective Sergeant Mal Hassall says, "The girl was walking to school using the same route she uses daily, the route encompasses short cuts through quiet streets."

The female reached Salford Place in Flatbush and was walking along the footpath when she saw a red vehicle behind her.

"The driver called out of the car and said 'It's a bit late to be going to school isn't it?', the female didn't like the feeling she got from the male so ignored him and walked quickly," said Mr Hassall.

The girl then heard car doors closing, she felt her arms being grabbed from behind and saw two sets of feet either side of her. She was carrying her art folder, which she swung at the two offenders. One of the offenders was hit in the face.

The female then ran back to her house, as she was running she heard one of the offenders say "come on let's just go."

Mr Hassall says. "The community need to be vigilant, Police advise members of the public to always walk in pairs and to walk along busy, well lit streets. Police will be proactively patrolling this area to help ensure safety."

Anyone with information is encouraged to call Otara CIB immediately on 09 261 1300 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Offender description

Offender One
Dark olive skin Maori or Pacific Islander
Mid 20's
Solid build
Medium height - 10cms
Dark coloured jandals
Black T Shirt
3/4 Shorts
Short black afro hair
Offender two
Dark olive skin - Maori/Pacific Islander
Tall - 6ft
Mid 20's
Dreadlock or braided hair about 10cms long
Black canvas shoes

Description of car
Bright red with black plastic strip around the car
Smashed quarter light on the drivers side of the car
Big dent in the rear passenger door (driver's side)
Rego had a 'B' and a number '6' in it
Square sedan car
Rough condition