Leak to blogger must be investigated

Wednesday 14 March 2012, 10:18AM

By Green Party



There needs to be a full investigation regarding who leaked the personal details of a striking Ports of Auckland worker, Green Party industrial relations spokesperson Denise Roche said today.

Personal details about Cecil Walker have been published by blogger Cameron Slater on his website Whale Oil. The details were released after Mr Walker was interviewed on Radio New Zealand.

"Ports of Auckland management must immediately investigate how Mr Walker's personal leave history was released," said Ms Roche.

"If Ports of Auckland management have allowed this information to be put into the public domain, then you have to seriously question if they have been acting in good faith in their negotiations with the Maritime union.

"Workers have a right to speak publicly about why they are taking industrial action without companies releasing their private and personal information.

"Questions regarding the management practices of Ports of Auckland need to be addressed by the Mayor and Auckland City Council," said Ms Roche

"Many Aucklanders are concerned the ports management have handled the entire dispute appallingly.

"Those governing Auckland need to take a stand on behalf of the nearly 300 Aucklanders sacked by the ports management."