Contact Energy and ORC test lake pollution responsiveness

Friday 16 March 2012, 1:55PM

By Otago Regional Council



Contact Energy and Otago Regional Council (ORC) staff will put their marine pollution response capability to the test near Cromwell on Monday (19 March) with an exercise simulating an oil spill into Lake Dunstan.

About 18 participants will be involved in the exercise, which will be held between 12.30pm-4.30pm.

The scenario for the exercise involves an oil tanker truck accident, resulting in its contents spilling into the lake near the Clyde hydro-electric dam.

The response teams working in the scenario will focus on protecting the dam and the lake environment.

ORC group manager of regional services Jeff Donaldson said the exercise scenario’s main aim was to minimise the effects of any oil spilt in the lake by practicing the setting of deflection booms and preparing spill collection equipment.

The exercise will enable Contact and ORC staff to activate their oil spill response teams, test the capacity and effectiveness of oil containment and recovery equipment and operating systems, and allow response personnel to practice their communications.

The exercise will not involve any road closures or access restrictions.