New School Pool Building Opens

Tuesday 3 April 2012, 12:42PM

By Wellington City Council



Hundreds of children will be able to continue their swimming lessons at Khandallah School with the opening of a new pool building.

The future of the 14m heated pool was in doubt until the school received a one-off grant of $420,000 from our School Pools Partnership Fund last year to help replace the old building.

Damp and dilapidated, the structure was damaged by moisture and needed to be replaced before it became unusable. There was no ventilation and if you were a spectator, you got dripped on. The new building has insulated wall panels, a ventilation system, better access and larger changing rooms that include family changing areas.

Catherine Cooper, the school's Board of Trustees Chairperson, says it's not only their pupils who benefit from the improved pool facilities. "We have around 300 children who come from neighbouring schools to learn to swim as well as many who take private lessons at the pool."

To receive a grant from the fund, schools must show how they'll provide a service to other nearby schools, water-sports and surf lifesaving groups as well as the local community.

The Council's Portfolio Leader for Sports and Events, Councillor John Morrison, says the fund is helping to meet demand for swimming facilities in Wellington. "Our Council pools are not able to take all the children and adults who want to learn or improve their swimming - not to mention the water-sports groups. The fund helps to alleviate this."