Broadlands School kids to target speedsters

Tuesday 3 April 2012, 12:59PM

By Rotorua District Council



Rotorua District Council (RDC) and local police are running a road safety operation on Broadlands Rd in Reporoa tomorrow aimed at reminding motorists to slow down for children.

A station will be set up outside Broadlands School on Wednesday [4 April] where drivers will be stopped by police and given road safety information from school children in high-vis safety vests.

RDC road safety coordinator Jodie Lawson says the purpose of the operation is to slow drivers down and make them aware that Broadlands School children cross that road regularly to get to their school hall.

“For a couple of hours the kids will have the opportunity to tell motorists, ‘Hey that’s our school hall over there. Please slow down’.

“As well as an information leaflet, all drivers stopped will receive a ‘Ruru the road safety morepork’ gift pack as we send them on their way.”

Ruru the Morepork was selected for the road safety campaigns because of the wise nature associated with owls and the bird’s keen eyesight, and because Maori traditionally regard the morepork as a spiritual kaitiaki or guardian that warns of danger.