Cost Recovery

Thursday 5 April 2012, 1:57PM

By Marlborough District Council



When there’s an accident on the road, someone has to pay for the clean-up and the damage.

Often there’s damage to guard rails, signs or fences. The cost of repairing or replacing safety features is considerable but it’s a small fraction of the cost of another, more serious crash so Marlborough Roads gives high priority to reinstating such barriers.

Marlborough Roads expects to recover the cost of this work from those who cause the damage. This recovery is sought by invoice to the vehicle owner or their insurance company. Last year, about $50,000 was recovered from drivers for accidents across Marlborough.

The Marlborough District Council also insures a number of its bridges against loss. The Council made its first claim against this policy after the loss of Gillespies Bridge in the Northbank area in the December 2010 storms.

With the grape harvest about to start in earnest, Marlborough Roads needs to be advised of any grape spills, to enable the cost of the clean-up to be recovered.

  • In a big grape spill, the first call should be to the 111 emergency service. Contact Marlborough Roads after you have called emergency services.
  • If you have a crash, or witness one, Marlborough Roads staff ask that you contact their office, Ph: 03 520 8330.