Ports of Auckland Welcomes Move To Facilitation To Settle Dispute

Friday 13 April 2012, 10:13AM

By Ports of Auckland Limited



Ports of Auckland has today welcomed agreement from MUNZ to make an urgent application for facilitation in order to settle the eight month dispute.

In order to get constructive progress POAL yesterday proposed that the parties now use the Employment Relations Authority’s facilitation process, as agreed in the Employment Court two weeks ago.

In mediation today, the parties have agreed to make an application to the Employment Relations Authority early next week for an urgent start to the facilitation process.

The company is hopeful that facilitation will assist by providing the parties with clear recommendations, made by a neutral but experienced third party.

The company said that over 8 months of bargaining it hadn’t seen a willingness from MUNZ to negotiate a modern flexible agreement.

Whilst there is a real deadlock that needs to be broken, facilitation does at least provide some chance that this will occur.