Wellington CIB investigating two separate night time street robberies

Tuesday 22 May 2012, 2:55PM

By New Zealand Police



Wellington CIB is currently investigating two separate street robberies which occurred in the city late last night.

Acting Detective Sergeant Sam Mercer says a man in his twenties was walking from the waterfront near Te Papa into Barnett Street around 11:15pm last night, when he was allegedly robbed by five males.

"The victim was initially approached by a Caucasian male, described as being in his late teens, approximately 166cm tall and of thin build. That male was wearing a dark hooded top, and had a green bandanna covering his face. This offender asked the victim for a cigarette, before he was joined by four other Caucasian males, who surrounded the victim."

He says the victim was punched to the ground by a male he describes as Caucasian, in his early twenties, with blonde dreadlocked hair.

"In a cowardly attack, all five offenders then kicked and punched the victim while he was on the ground, robbing him of his puffer jacket, wallet, i-pod and passport."

Sam Mercer says the victim was able to escape with minor injuries and raise the alarm. The offenders fled along the waterfront around Te Papa.

"We would like to hear from anyone who saw anything or anyone suspicious in the vicinity of Te Papa last night, or who may know the identities of the offenders."

Meanwhile, about 11:20pm last night, a man in his twenties was walking from Manners Street up Boulcott Street when he was knocked to the ground and robbed of his wallet.

Sam Mercer says, "We believe the offenders followed the victim from the Manners Street area."

The first offender is described as a male Caucasian, in his mid to late thirties of thin to medium build. He had long straight blonde hair past his shoulders, and thick eyebrows. He was wearing a black top and jeans.

The second male is also described as being Caucasian in his mid to late thirties. He wore a black straight-brimmed baseball cap, a grey hooded top and a dark blue backpack.

"Several members of the public saw the victim being assaulted and came to his aid. We would like to hear from those people and anyone who may have seen the offenders in the Manners / Willis street areas last night."

Acting Detective Sergeant Mercer says, "The two robberies were reported as occurring at the same time in different locations, and the offender descriptions differ. While we are keeping an open mind about the offenders, the crimes do not appear to be linked at this stage."

Anyone with any information on either of these incidents should phone Wellington Police on (04) 381 2000 or phone Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.