Add colour with calendulas

Thursday 31 May 2012, 12:23PM

By Awapuni Nurseries


Calendula Credit: Awapuni Nurseries
Calendula Credit: Awapuni Nurseries
Calendula Credit: Awapuni Nurseries

Calendulas. Every garden should have them. Not only are they attractive, they've got some
amazing anti-viral, anti-genotoxic and anti-inflammatory medicinal properties.

Commonly known as winter marigolds, calendula are quite different to summer marigolds. They
look different and they will seed down at the end of the season – something your regular
marigolds don’t do.

Growing calendulas is really straightforward, and even easier if you have a stream in or around
your garden as they love moisture.

All you need to do is dig a hole, approximately 3cm deep, spacing each seedling about 10cm
apart. Place your seedling inside the hole and cover its roots with soil.

If you're not one for order, you'll be pleased to know you don't have to line the seedlings up in
rows like many other types of plants. That's because calendula like to sprawl across the soil.

In about four to six weeks your calendulas should start to flower. At this point, they’ll probably
need a bit more watering than normal. To check how thirsty they are, simply put your finger in
the soil about 2cm deep. If it’s dry, they need a drink.

If you don't have a large garden, don't fret; you can also house the picturesque plants in
hanging baskets or pots. Once in bloom, calendulas add much-needed colour to winter gardens.

After seeding down at the end of the season, calendulas will pop up again the following one to,
once again, brighten your garden. Just don't forget to pick off any deadheads to keep your
plants flowering longer. And stay away from overhead watering as it spreads disease.

Tod Palenski
Awapuni Nurseries