Local Governance Options

Tuesday 5 June 2012, 12:28PM

By Wellington City Council


Map showing the four options for local government reform.
Map showing the four options for local government reform. Credit: Wellington City Council


You should by now have received our consultation document 'Local Government Reform in Wellington - What do you think?'

The document outlines four options for future governance of the Wellington region.

The options range from the 'status quo' with more regionally-shared council services, to a two-council and three-council proposal, to a single 'super-city' council for the whole region including the Wairarapa with subsidiary boards. It also welcomes other suggestions.

As a Council, we haven't stipulated a preferred option just yet - we want to hear from Wellingtonians first.

Here's how to make your submission:

Fill out the submission form in the document and then mail it (you won't need a stamp).

Go to:

Email us at

If you haven't yet received the document, phone us on (04) 499 4444 and we'll post another out to you.

You can also have your say to Councillors in person. All you need to do is indicate this on your submission form.

Submissions close at 5.00pm, Friday 29 June.