New Zealand's Most Wanted Movies Revealed

Friday 29 June 2012, 10:41AM

By noodle


Fatso, New Zealand’s favourite online DVD service, has revealed the nation’s most in-demand movie and TV series titles.

Having reached the milestone of 30,000 movie and TV titles in its library, Fatso has ranked New Zealand’s Most Wanted Movies, throwing up a few surprises.

Martin Scorsese’s 2006 violent, star studded thriller The Departed topped the list of most wanted movies with Blood Diamond a runner up, making Leonardo DiCaprio who stars in both films the most in demand actor with Fatso customers.

The nation has also demonstrated huge demand for New Zealand’s own Sione’s Wedding which came in at number ten, although missing from the top tier is New Zealand’s biggest grossing movie of all time, Boy.

“It’s not the list we predicted,’’ says Fatso’s Rob Berman,“For example Boy ranked really high in every region except Auckland. We have no idea why,  but the lower demand in Auckland means it falls outside of the Top 10 nationally”. 

Strong box office titles, Babel and The Devil Wears Prada were also hot property. However a surprise showing in New Zealand’s Most Wanted Movies was the 2006 drama based on the regime of brutal Ugandan dictator Idi Amin, The Last King of Scotland which leapt in at number five, due to exceptionally strong demand in Otago and Wellington.

“It’s not all about the cinema blockbusters,” says Berman.  “New releases at Fatso are always in demand, but there are also a lot of titles which are still popular a long time after their release like The World’s Fastest Indian”.

Demand for TV shows outstripped that for movies in many regions and the highly acclaimed TV mini series Band of Brothers was easily the number one TV title requested.  More recently, Fatso say they have seen a huge surge of interest in HBO series such as Game of Thrones, The Wire and True Blood.

“People want to watch these compelling TV dramas in their own time, with no ad breaks interrupting viewing,” says Berman. “It’s easy to get absorbed in something like The Sopranos or Boardwalk Empire and watch five or six episodes back to back in a night”.


The Fatso New Zealand’s Most Wanted Movies List

1.       The Departed

2.       Blood Diamond

3.       Babel

4.       Crash

5.       The Last King of Scotland

6.       The Notebook

7.       The Devil Wears Prada

8.       The World’s Fastest Indian

9.       Sione’s Wedding

10.    Little Miss Sunshine