NSAS Soldier posthumously recognised for bravery

Wednesday 4 July 2012, 8:31AM

By New Zealand Defence Force


 Darryl Smith receives the Charles Upham Award for Bravery from the Governor-General on behalf of the Smith family.
Darryl Smith receives the Charles Upham Award for Bravery from the Governor-General on behalf of the Smith family. Credit: New Zealand Defence Force


The Charles Upham Award for Bravery was posthumously awarded to Lance Corporal (LCPL) Leon Smith at a ceremony at Government House today.

LCPL Smith has been recognised for his actions as part of a NZSAS Task Force that responded to an insurgent attack on the British Council Office in Kabul on 19 August 2011.

During the response LCPL Smith exposed himself to insurgent fire in order to confirm the location of Corporal (CPL) Doug Grant, who had been wounded. He then ran across open ground to reach CPL Grant, and immediately applied first aid until CPL Grant could be evacuated. Despite his best efforts and those of medics at the scene, CPL Grant died on route to hospital.

Chief of Defence Force Lieutenant General (LTGEN) Rhys Jones said LCPL Smith’s family should be extremely proud of his actions that led to the award.

“Tragically LCPL Smith was also killed serving in Afghanistan, however his actions during this particular incident epitomised the values of comradeship, courage and professional integrity.

“His family can take some comfort from knowing that he was a valued member of the NZ Defence Force and that his outstanding bravery has subsequently been recognised,” LTGEN Jones said.   

LCPL Smith was tragically killed in action Kabul, Afghanistan on 28 September 2011, while securing a compound during a joint Afghan Crisis Response Unit / NZ SAS operation.

LCPL Smith’s brother Darryl received the award from the Governor-General, Lt Gen The Rt Hon Sir Jerry Mateparae, on behalf of the Smith family.

Statement from the Family of LCpl Leon Smith (KIA)

On the Occasion of the Presentation of the Charles Upham Memorial Award for Bravery, Government House, Wellington, 03 July 2012

As a family we are very proud of Leon for his actions on the 19th of August 2011 which have resulted in Leon now being the 24th recipient of the Charles Upham Award for Bravery.


We feel that Leon would not have considered machine gun fire and open ground as obstacles when a man is down. He would have preferred to act, and risk all, than consider the thought of his mate suffering alone.


Leon’s inherent bravery is matched by his compassion for others. He was a kind, loving and fun man that pursued life beyond what others perceive as limits.


Though Leon cannot comment on his actions today he would have considered them solely an effort to help Doug Grant. Leon would acknowledge Doug’s bravery first and would be grateful for the opinion of the Charles Upham Trust Committee, that his efforts warranted recognition, and so are we.


Ultimately Doug and Leon gave everything they had in the pursuit of peace and security for us all, despite the dangerous theatre they operated in.


Our family is extremely proud of Leon for his brave actions getting to Doug and doing everything he was trained to do skilfully. We wish to thank the Committee for their recognition of Leon’s bravery.