Tauranga shooting was a targeted attack

Tuesday 10 July 2012, 6:54PM

By New Zealand Police



Police enquiries into a shooting in Tauranga last night have established that the incident was clearly a targeted attack.

A 43-year-old man had to be treated in Tauranga Hospital after someone fired two shots into a house on Meander Drive, Welcome Bay at approximately 9pm last night (Monday, 9 July).

The victim received shotgun pellet injuries to his head and of significant concern is that some of the pellets landed in and around the bed of a young child who normally lives at the address, but was fortunately away at the time.

Detective Senior Sergeant Greg Turner said: "It is clear from speaking to the victim, examining the scene and talking to residents that this was a concerted effort to cause serious injury. He was considerably fortunate to come away with relatively minor injuries and it is only by sheer luck that a young child wasn't also hurt in the process.

"What the local community also signalled during today's enquiries is that they do not want this kind of thing happening on their doorstep and we have had good co-operation. We are following a number of avenues which should help us to ascertain the motive of the attack and identify the offender."

Police want to speak to any one who may have been in the southern end of Meander Drive or the surrounding alleys and streets between 8 and 9 pm last night.

Anyone with information relevant to this investigation is asked to contact Tauranga Police on 07 5774300. Alternatively information can be provided anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.
Media enquiries should be referred to Detective Senior Sergeant Greg Turner 577 4300.