Challenge Roth Sells Out in Record Time

Wednesday 18 July 2012, 10:47AM

By MJ Media


Cyclists take on the legendary Solarar Berg, lined with over 35,000 spectators at Challenge Roth 2012
Cyclists take on the legendary Solarar Berg, lined with over 35,000 spectators at Challenge Roth 2012 Credit: MJ Media

The world's largest iron distance triathlon and flagship of the Challenge Family global series of iron distance triathlons, Challenge Roth, has sold out in record time for 2013.

When entries went on sale yesterday, 16 July at 10.00am, 650 relay team slots sold out in 29 minutes, 1,500 international slots sold out in 75 minutes and the remaining German slots sold out in 53 minutes in the fastest sell out seen for a European iron distance triathlon.

While 5,000 lucky individual and relay athletes will enjoy the legendary triathlon in 2013, many more were disappointed with the subscription page receiving over 24,000 unique visitors yesterday. For further information, visit or


Image: Cyclists take on the legendary Solarar Berg, lined with over 35,000 spectators at Challenge Roth 2012
Credit: Getty Images