Looking back on five years of KiwiSaver

Wednesday 25 July 2012, 3:59PM

By Gareth Morgan Investments


In July 2012, KiwiSaver reaches its fifth birthday. Andrew Gawith reflects over the last five years and considers how KiwiSaver may evolve in the future.

Watch interview.


Video Transcrption

Interviewer: So KiwiSaver has reached its fifth birthday this month. How do you think the KiwiSaver of today compares to the original vision?

Andrew: Well it depends; the original vision under Labour was actually for a very cut down scheme, but before it was launched they actually added - Michael Cullen added - a lot of bells and whistles to it.

So, in fact, it started with a hiss and a roar. And subsequently National have trimmed some of those bells and whistles, so it’s a bit of a half-way house between what they originally envisaged for KiwiSaver.

National have taken it down a bit because it was a very costly scheme when they launched it.  But, in effect, that sort of ‘bells and whistles’ approach from Michael Cullen really got the numbers rolling in very fast.

Watch the video interview or read more.




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