Have your say on proposed NAIT rules

Wednesday 8 August 2012, 2:48PM

By Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry


New proposed regulations governing the National Identification and Tracing (NAIT) scheme are provided in a Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) discussion paper that went out for public consultation today.

The proposed regulations are for infringement offences and for establishing a panel to consider applications for access to the NAIT information system.

They form part of the suite of regulations for implementing and supporting the NAIT scheme.

The regulations passed to date provide the detail on how to meet requirements of the NAIT Act.  They cover obligations and exemptions, levy types and various fees and forms.

The discussion paper sets out 12 proposed infringement offences.

Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) director of preparedness and partnership, David Hayes, says the offences provide an efficient way of encouraging compliance with the law.

“The NAIT scheme has a strong focus on education, assistance and direction.  That approach will be effective for the vast majority of people.  The proposed regulations for infringement offences give the scheme another way to enhance compliance,” Mr Hayes says.

The discussion paper also sets out six proposed regulations for establishing the access panel that will consider applications to access data held in the NAIT information system.

“The rationale for the panel is that some applications for access to NAIT data may be quite complex in terms of judging and balancing the ‘industry good’ benefit of the application against privacy rights,” Mr Hayes says.

The panel would be appointed and publically notified and be made up of three to four people will specialist knowledge and experience in the pastoral sector and/or privacy law.

“Public feedback will improve these proposals.  We encourage submissions to contribute to the success of the NAIT scheme,” Mr Hayes says.

Submissions must be received by 5pm on Wednesday 5 September 2012.

The discussion paper incorporating the proposals includes details for how to make a submission and is available on the web at:



What is the NAIT scheme?
NAIT (National Animal Identification & Tracing) is an animal identification and tracing scheme linking people, property and livestock. The focus of the scheme is on cattle and deer.

Why do we need the NAIT scheme?The efficiency of a country’s animal identification and tracing system is an important factor in limiting the spread, and reducing the economic impact, of a disease outbreak. Having a world-recognised animal identification and tracing scheme enhances New Zealand’s trading reputation.

New Zealand’s existing animal identification schemes (such as the National Pest Management Strategy for bovine TB run by the Animal Health Board) currently meet the objectives for which they were established. However, they do not constitute a complete animal identification and tracing system of animal movements and locations at an individual level and will not meet New Zealand’s anticipated future requirements.

How does NAIT improve New Zealand's biosecurity?The NAIT scheme enables the location of cattle and deer to be traced much faster than existing manual systems. The electronic NAIT IT System provides more reliable and up-to-date information on individual animal movements, allowing NAIT to respond quickly in the event of a biosecurity or animal health threat. This will improve New Zealand's biosecurity surveillance and response efficiency.