Celebrate Smoke-free Parks

Wednesday 29 August 2012, 12:30AM

By Wellington City Council



We're about to start installing smokefree signs in Wellington City's playgrounds, sports parks and skate parks and to help explain why we've made this change, a launch is planned at Waitangi Park playground this Sunday (2 September).

Mayor Celia Wade-Brown, Smokefree Youth Ambassador Georgina Gatenby and Director of the Smokefree Coalition, Prudence Stone, will speak from 10.15am. And - to help encourage people to get active and be healthy - our Push Play coordinator will have a variety of sports equipment and games on offer until 12 noon (weather permitting).

The smokefree change applies to the city's 43 sports parks, 104 playgrounds and seven skate parks. It's designed to encourage people not to smoke around children and supports the Government's goal of making New Zealand smokefree by 2025.