New ATEED tourism campaign shows leadership - Snedden

Wednesday 5 September 2012, 4:15AM

By Tourism Industry Association New Zealand


A major new campaign to attract more Kiwi holidaymakers to Auckland and create more wealth for the city highlights the importance of domestic tourism to New Zealand, says Tourism Industry Association New Zealand (TIA) Chief Executive Martin Snedden.

Mr Snedden congratulated Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED) on its new domestic tourism campaign and said it would provide a much needed shot in the arm for the country’s $23 billion tourism industry.

He says stimulating domestic tourism is one of TIA and the tourism industry’s key priorities and will come under the spotlights at the 2012 TIA Summit in October.

“Kiwis travelling at home contribute $36 million in economic activity every day, a fact that is sometimes undervalued and taken for granted. Not only does domestic tourism support jobs and wealth, it also creates healthy, vibrant communities throughout the country.”

Mr Snedden says it is very positive to see ATEED taking a leadership role in this area and investing in a domestic tourism campaign.

“Auckland has a fantastic tourism story to tell and it is wonderful to see them out there promoting it to the rest of the country.

“It’s been great to see the development that’s happening to transform the Auckland waterfront and harbour over the last couple of years. There are still major opportunities for the development of this area. It has the potential to become the city’s heart and soul and an invaluable and enduring asset for the people of Auckland.”