Anchor Zero Lacto™ brings relief to tummy troubles

Monday 17 September 2012, 3:09PM

By Acumen Republic


Anchor Zero Lacto™ logo
Anchor Zero Lacto™ logo Credit: Acumen Republic

Lactose intolerant Kiwis can now enjoy the full flavour of a morning coffee, the delicious taste of a smoothie, or the simple pleasure of a bowl of cereal thanks to Anchor Zero Lacto™, the only lactose-free fresh milk available in New Zealand.

Zero Lacto™ has all the goodness and taste of fresh cow’s milk, with none of the lactose, offering a tummy friendly and tasty option for people suffering from lactose intolerance.

Leading nutritionist Nikki Hart says many people try and deal with the problem of lactose intolerance by avoiding dairy and the milk chiller aisle altogether.

“People are missing out on the important nutritional benefits of cow’s milk, and may rely on vegetarian alternatives such as soy and rice milks,” says Nikki. “Anchor Zero Lacto™ has the nutritional benefits of regular milk with none of the lactose, so it’s a fantastic solution for lactose intolerant sufferers.”

For people who think they may be suffering from lactose intolerance, Zero Lacto™ together with Nikki Hart have developed a handy online tool to help people recognise whether some of the symptoms they are experiencing may be consistent with lactose intolerance. The online tool can be found at

“Many people may simply be putting up with some of the symptoms they are experiencing when they consume dairy products, so this online tool is a great place to start to find out whether Zero Lacto™ could offer them some relief,” Nikki says.

Signs of lactose intolerance can include bloating, flatulence, diarrhoea, stomach cramps, gas and vomiting.  However, Nikki cautions that lactose intolerance is different to having an allergy to cows' milk, as dairy allergies generally relate to the protein found in cows' milk. “Our online tool will help people recognise some of the symptoms they may be experiencing; however, we would also recommend consulting your doctor, New Zealand Registered nutritionist or dietitian for further advice.”

To make Zero Lacto™ suitable for people with lactose intolerance, an enzyme (lactase) has been added to the milk to break up the natural lactose, meaning the milk is much easier for them to digest. The lactose breaks down into two naturally occurring, simple sugars – glucose and galactose – giving the milk a slightly sweeter taste.

Zero Lacto™ is available in both blue and trim variants. More information on Zero Lacto™ can be found on the website or by liking Zero Lacto™ on Facebook