Public transport fares increase 1 October 2012

Thursday 20 September 2012, 12:55PM

By Greater Wellington Regional Council



Wellington region’s public transport users are being encouraged to buy multi-trip tickets or stored value cards in preparation for an increase to most bus, train and harbour ferry fares next month.

From Monday 1 October 2012:

  • Adult multi-trip tickets (ten trip, smartcard and monthly tickets) will all increase by 3%, except for the one-zone fares which won't change.
  • Adult cash fares for zones 3-14 will increase by 50c. Other adult cash fares won't change.
  • Child multi-trip tickets (ten-trip, smartcard, monthly and term tickets) will all increase by 3% except for one-zone fares which won't change.
  • Child cash fares for zone 7-9 and 13-14 will increase by 50c.  All other child cash fares won't change.


New Metlink fares brochure

Peter Glensor, Chair of Greater Wellington’s Economic Wellbeing Committee which is responsible for public transport, says people who currently pay cash fares could consider other options to lessen the impact of the fare increase.

“For example, from 1 October a cash fare for a bus journey from Wellington CBD to Newlands or Strathmore will cost you $5. 

"However, if you use a stored value card you’ll pay only $3.54. A cash train fare to Naenae or Porirua will cost you $6.50 but if you use a 10-trip it will cost you $4.86.

"And you’ll pay considerably less with a monthly train pass.

“No-one likes paying more but public transport users do need to contribute their fair share towards the costs which increase every year.”

Revenue from fares needs to cover around half of the costs of running day to day buses, trains and ferries as well as debt servicing costs for major improvements such as real time information and the Matangi trains.

Peter Glensor says a lot more public transport users are beginning to reap the benefits of the major improvements.

"Real time information is now available for Wellington City, Hutt Valley, northern suburbs, Porirua and Kapiti bus services and will be available for train services early next year.

"Trains are the most punctual they've been in five years due in large part to all the work that's been done on the network and the new Matangi trains."

He says that without relatively small and regular fare increases, there would have to be a really big fare increase in a few years’ time.

"That’s not acceptable; having small and regular increases is more manageable for most people, particularly regular users.

"I would urge everyone who uses public transport to get a stored value card or multi-trip ticket.”