Cutting Down On Household Waste

Thursday 20 September 2012, 1:15PM

By Marlborough District Council



Almost half of the contents of the rubbish bags put out at the kerb are made up of organic matter. It would help reduce the amount of waste going to our landfill if every household cut down on the food that is thrown out. Try to buy what your household uses so that food is not going to waste. Compost the scraps.

One household compost system that has proved to be very efficient is the EM Bokashi system, available from the Council. This system can deal with almost all household food scraps, except meat bones and liquids. The liquid waste from this system makes a great fertiliser for your garden.

This is what people have told us about this composting system:

  • Used liquid on compost bin and pot plants
  • Simple system, no smell and easy to handle
  • Used compost for tree planting and for growing beans in
  • New garden with poor soil now has worms after using Bokashi
  • Clean and easy to use. Great way to treat waste
  • Easier than worm farm. Amazed how quickly it broke down to a humus level
  • Great not having to go outside to compost heap.


A pamphlet on the EM Bokashi composting system is available from the Council or see the EM Bokashi Composting page on this website.

Council sells the EM Bokashi system from its offices with a $15 discount on the regular retail price.