Sharing The Road Safely With Trucks

Thursday 27 September 2012, 1:14PM

By Marlborough District Council



Some of Marlborough’s rural roads are narrow and winding, such as Port Underwood Road, Northbank Road and Kenepuru Road. These roads are regularly used by the heavy vehicles that support our regional economy - like the trucks carrying logs, mussels and dairy products.

Advanced warning signs are sometimes installed along our rural roads to inform other drivers that trucks are regular users of that route.

When sharing the roads with these, or any other large slow-moving vehicle, drivers should take particular care:

Keep well back when following

In good weather with good road conditions you need a gap of at least three seconds between your vehicle and the truck in front of you – and an even greater gap when conditions are poor.
Hanging back will prevent road spray from the truck's wheels affecting your visibility. It will also increase your field of vision and allow more stopping distance should the truck brake to avoid a hazard you can't see.

When following at night, keep your headlights on low beam. A truck's many side mirrors reflect high beam lights right into the driver's eyes.

Keep out of the truck driver’s blind spots

Trucks have a big blind spot directly behind them so drive where you can be seen in the truck's side mirrors. If the truck driver knows you are there he can give you plenty of warning when intending to stop or turn. Keep an eye on the truck's brake lights and turning indicators.

Remember; if you can't see the truck or bus driver in their side mirror, they can't see you.