Black Cat Cruises spends over $50,000 on Akaroa retail shops

Thursday 27 September 2012, 1:16PM

By enthuse


Black Cat Cruises has invested over $50,000 in refitting its two retail shops in Akaroa in time for the summer tourism season
Black Cat Cruises has invested over $50,000 in refitting its two retail shops in Akaroa in time for the summer tourism season Credit:


Black Cat Cruises has invested over $50,000 in refitting its two retail shops in Akaroa in time for the summer tourism season. 

Managing Director Paul Bingham said the company was committed to investing in the future of tourism in the region and that he was very pleased with the refurbishment.

Both shops, located on the Main Wharf and on Beach Road in Akaroa, had improved lighting and new graphics and made much better use of available space.

“They both look great,” Bingham said. “There’s a much improved flow for our guests through the shops and there is more natural light and views to the water and outside.”

He said it was important Black Cat guests had an exciting and inspiring first experience when first coming into contact with Black Cat Cruises and was happy the refits provided that.

“We are looking forward to summer, especially in Akaroa with the cruise ships again using the town instead of Lyttelton due to the ongoing earthquake repair work. We expect things to be quite busy again so the refurbishment will mean we can cope much better.”

Lyttelton redirected about 80 cruise ships to Akaroa last summer and a similar number of ships are expected again in the 2012/13 cruise ship season.