Bigger and better Pasifika on the way

Thursday 27 September 2012, 2:00PM

By Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development


Pasifika Festival
Pasifika Festival Credit: Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development
Pasifika Festival
Pasifika Festival Credit: Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development


Auckland’s beloved Pasifika Festival is to expand to become a two day event next year.

Organisers, Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED) have announced that the event will stretch across the weekend of Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 March 2013.

It will run from 10am – 5pm each day and will include improvements based on participant feedback.

Mayor Len Brown has welcomed the news.

“Pasifika is already one of the biggest events of its kind anywhere in the Pacific. The expansion to a two day event is great news for Aucklanders and visitors alike.”    

“Pasifika is consistently rated as one of the most popular and important events on Auckland’s major events calendar, but it has the potential to keep growing into something even more special.”

“Pasifika is one of the things that makes Auckland unique and the 2013 event will give people a better than ever authentic Pacific experience.”

ATEED Acting General Manager of Destination Jennah Wootten says the 2013 event will see an increased emphasis on tradition and authenticity in the festival villages and new Pan-Pacific areas introduced.

“Pasifika Festival includes villages representing 10 Pacific nations – Cooks Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Niue, Samoa, Tahiti, Tonga, Tokelau, Tuvalu and Aoteoroa.

“The introduction of the Pan Pacific areas will allow us to focus on a more traditional and authentic experience in the villages.”

Food and craft sold in the villages will be traditional and authentic with newly designed stall shells to further enhance the look and feel of the villages. Stalls selling non-traditional items or items from more than one Pacific Island will be located in the Pan Pacific areas.

Ms Wootten says ATEED wants to hear from anybody interested in having a stall at Pasifika Festival 2013. Applications are open from now until October 19.

Pasifika Festival began life at Western Springs in 1992 and introduced the village concept in 1998. In 2008 it was rated as the most important arts event or activity to Aucklanders in the Creative New Zealand New Zealanders and the Arts survey.

Today Pasifika Festival sits as alongside the Lantern Festival and Diwali Festival of Lights as one of the key social events in Auckland’s Major events portfolio.

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