Council to adopt Economic Development Strategy

Friday 28 September 2012, 1:10PM

By Stratford District Council



Council has a role in looking to increase opportunities for residents and visitors to Stratford.  Council is doing this by contributing to the wealth of its residents through its economic development strategy, which is being considered this week by Councils Policy & Services Committee.

In 2011, two workshops were held with a variety of stakeholders including local service providers, local businesses, and tourism operators to see how Council could contribute towards improving our  residents economic wellbeing.  At these workshops priorities were agreed upon and a range of projects and action plans  were proposed.  

Council has an enabling role in providing  a regulatory framework  and also to provide good public infrastructure.  It has to gauge the cost of investing in economic development plans and projects with the value to the community as a whole.

Council  is committed to ensuring  the success of this strategy by building and maintaining  relationships and partnerships with a variety of stakeholders and community groups.

A number of key projects will be provided for over the next 3 years (2012-2015) that were adopted in the Long-Term Plan earlier this year.  These projects will be funded primarily from reserves, financial contributions and there is a smaller amount of rates contribution.  Projects include the development of a website, beautification of Broadway/Prospero Place, public toilets, branding and marketing plans, signage review, support for the introduction of a bus service, and the extension of sewerage connections.


Development of a new website is nearly complete.  Our current website is not user friendly and has been difficult to maintain.  This will be launched in November and will be an improved website resource for our residents and also for those who visit our district.


The workshops we held questioned whether we had a sense of identity as a district that was embraced by our residents and businesses and whether our current brand enhances community pride.  The District has been influenced by the following branding in the past – Shakespeare, Stratford Love it and In the heart of Taranaki.  In the next couple of months we  will be seeking input from the business community on what does reflect our core values.  We will also survey a proportion of our residents to get feedback.  Aligning our brand to the regional brand “Taranaki - Like no Other”, a successful brand,
can be a useful tool  in attracting new business, visitors, and residents.


Town centres are important locations for social connections and can be a great attractor of the community.  Councils have to review the framework from time to time.  Council has recently appointed Team Architects to help us explore what opportunities exist to further enhance Broadway between the two roundabouts and our community hub of  Prospero Place.  Key elements we are seeking are more beautification to enable increased vibrancy and civic pride.  Residents will be  involved in the planning early in 2013 with any construction works not scheduled till later years.


Stakeholders such as the Western Institute of Technology, local councils, Taranaki District Health Board, and various other health providers have met and confirmed their support to investigate a bus service between Hawera and New Plymouth.  This is being led by Taranaki Regional Council who are aiming to have the feasibility study completed towards the end of this year.  Funding alternatives for the service are now being investigated. 

Your Council supports this initiative as a  bus service would enable our community access to education, employment, health and other social services.  A trail service would only be progressed if funding can be found.