Positive Ageing - Set Up A Neighbourhood Support Group

Thursday 18 October 2012, 6:02PM

By Marlborough District Council



The burglary rate in Marlborough is not high but break-ins do happen from time to time.

One of the most important things you can do to keep your home safer is to get to know your neighbours.

Police say that streets where there is active neighbourhood support tend to have fewer incidents of criminal activity; people who’re on first name terms with neighbours are less likely to become crime victims.
But it’s not just about crime; having a close neighbourhood network may also help in case of fire or a civil defence event or any other kind of emergency.

A neighbour support group doesn’t need to be formal; it can be as simple as a small group of residents being aware of each other, remaining in casual contact and looking out for each other’s welfare.

Set up your own group and help:

  • Keep an eye on a neighbour’s property when they are away
  • Alert each other if a burglary or theft has occurred
  • Report any suspicious activity or vehicles to the police
  • Help neighbours in time of need or emergency
  • Foster good community spirit and a greater sense of security


For local information about setting up a Neighbourhood Support Group, including free resources, contact Marlborough Safer Communities: Robin Harris, Ph: 03 577 5370 ext 8.

More information is also available on the Neighbourhood Support website: