Canterbury earthquakes Royal Commission extended final reporting date announced

Tuesday 23 October 2012, 6:44PM

By Christopher Finlayson



The final reporting date for the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Building Failure caused by Canterbury Earthquakes will be 30 November, Attorney-General Christopher Finlayson announced today.

The previous reporting date for the Royal Commission’s report was 12 November 2012. Cabinet agreed to extend the date by 18 days because hearings related to the CTV building took longer than anticipated when the original date was determined. The report is also longer than expected so final administrative matters such as proof-reading and printing will therefore take longer than first expected.

In February, Cabinet agreed the Royal Commission could produce its report in parts.

Volumes 1-3 of the final report dealt with technical matters related to New Zealand's earthquake hazards and the design of buildings and were delivered by the Royal Commission of Inquiry in June. These volumes were released publicly in August.

Volume 4 of the final report, which was received earlier this month, addresses a range of practice and policy issues relating to earthquake-prone buildings.

The third part (volumes 5-7) of the final report will be received on 30 November. It will look at remaining issues, including the collapse of the CTV building.

“The Royal Commission of Inquiry’s hearings have produced a wealth of detail on the wide issues of the terms of reference,” Mr Finlayson said. “The Royal Commission of Inquiry has now finished its hearings and deliberations and is preparing the final part of its report, which the Government will receive by 30 November.”