Lakes Leisure Directors Appointed

Monday 29 October 2012, 1:07PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



The Queenstown Lakes District Council has appointed two new directors to Lakes Leisure, filling both a vacant role and that of departing chairman Mike Saunders.

“I am pleased to advise the new directors are Gallaway Cook Allan legal consultant Jan Caunter of Wanaka and NZSki managing director James Coddington,” QLDC Mayor Vanessa van Uden said.

Having worked in law for 19 years, Ms Caunter has also enjoyed involvement professionally in recreation sport and teaching roles. Mr Coddington has held several directorships including as a director for Sports Southland.

“Jan brings a very pragmatic approach combined with strategic thinking and a passion for sport and James has real strength in governance and strategic leadership. We have two very strong individuals here who will add a lot of value around the table,” Mayor van Uden said.

Heading up the board would be director Peter Faul. “The Council is grateful to Peter who has accepted the challenge and committed to chair the board for the next 12 months, giving the board strong continuity, particularly given last week’s appointment of a new chief executive,” Mayor van Uden said.

In announcing the appointments, the Council also acknowledged the commitment to Lake Leisure made by outgoing chairman Mike Saunders.

“We need to extend our thanks to Mike who has ably overseen an ever growing organisation of growing importance to the community,” Mayor van Uden said.