Big Bike Fixup part of Havelock North BikeFest

Monday 29 October 2012, 7:48PM

By Hastings District Council



BikeFest will offer cyclists a chance to have their bike checked over before summer.

A  FREE, Big Bike Fix-Up will be held as part of BikeFest in the Middle Road Piazza Havelock North on Sunday, November 4th from 10.30am to 12 noon.

Hastings Deputy Mayor Cynthia Bowers says “Everyone is welcome to bring their bike along to the Big Bike Fixup. Mechanics from local bike shops will be on hand to give your bike the once over and make sure it is roadworthy. Any minor repairs will be done on the spot but if the work required can’t be completed within the five minute check, bike owners will receive a $10 voucher for repairs which can be made at one of the participating bike shops.”

Cynthia Bowers says “Bikes should be in top condition before venturing out on the cycle-lanes or pathways which have been created around Hastings as part of the iWay project. The mechanics will check that the brakes, tyres and other parts of your bike are in good working order and identify anything which needs further maintenance.”

“The latest arterials to be completed in the iWay project provide absolutely stunning riding. The offroad pathway alongside Havelock Road is a great ride while the Hastings to Clive pathway takes cyclists into the country and gives views of the district that you don’t see from a car. The last time we ran a big bike fixup we had record numbers, so make sure you get there early,” Cynthia Bowers says.

The Big Bike Fix-Up is part of the Hastings District Council’s iWay project, which is creating easier and safer ways of getting more people walking and cycling.

For more information on BikeFest check out

What: The Big Bike Fixup
Where: Middle Road Piazza Havelock North
When: Sunday November 4th from 10.30am until 12 noon