Central Park Apartments Upgraded

Tuesday 30 October 2012, 1:35PM

By Wellington City Council



The Central Park Apartments will be officially opened at 2.00pm today (30 October) by Mayor Celia Wade-Brown and Housing Minister Phil Heatley.

The upgrade of the Central Park flats has taken two years to complete. Some tenants were able to move back to their homes last year, while others moved in last week.

Wellington City Council's social housing apartments have had a major transformation as part of the Council's $400 million joint project with the Crown to make the apartments warm, dry, safe, secure and of a high standard for modern living.

Mayor Wade-Brown says the Central Park development - at the bottom of Brooklyn Hill - is the largest of our housing upgrades to be completed since the project started five years ago.

"These homes help to meet the significant demand for social housing in the Capital. They provide good quality housing at below market rents for those with the greatest need, and better health and safety for families".

Work included major seismic strengthening, landscaping, improved kitchens and bathrooms, better security and lighting, improved rubbish and recycling facilities, thermal and acoustic insulation, double-glazing and communal facilities. There are also a number of units suitable for people with disabilities.

"Central Park is a vibrant part of the wider Te Aro community. It's within walking distance from the city centre, and has great public transport."

The new community space includes a place to meet, a social area for activities, a computer room, and a piano donated by a tenant.

Central Park is now home to more than 250 people including families, elderly, new migrants, parents and single people. One such person is Aleksandra Rudova who moved to New Zealand from Siberia, Russia, 10 years ago. Aleksandra says there is almost no comparison to her home before the upgrade.

"It's warmer, cleaner, nice and new," she says. "I also feel it's a much safer place now - there aren't as many strange people roaming around littering the place. I love it very much."

Related Links

Housing Upgrade - About the Improvements