Key needs to reassure Kiwis of SAS role

Wednesday 31 October 2012, 1:13PM

By Labour Party


Labour is calling on the Prime Minister to confirm that our SAS troops in Afghanistan are sticking to their mandate of ‘gathering intelligence’ as previously stated by the Government.

“John Key has said that our SAS are in Afghanistan to help with logistics, planning and intelligence gathering,” Labour Leader David Shearer says.

“We would not want to see any kind of mission creep as suggested by media reports today.

“It’s important that the Government doesn’t divulge operational details, but Kiwis will want to be reassured that our SAS are there for the right reasons.

“We should remember that our principle job now is to ensure the orderly and safe withdrawal of our forces from Bamiyan.

“That should be our priority,” said David Shearer.