Kiwi innovators launch an online 'world of good'

Tuesday 6 November 2012, 8:24AM

By Planet Goodness


Ex Trade Me exec and renowned social marketers have joined forces to launch – a website to “bring about a world of good through what people buy”. 

Planet Goodness creates a virtuous cycle; connecting kiwi charities with special eco and ethical product offers.

“We are offering charities a smart way to raise money, and we can provide affordable exposure and positive regard for our best local ‘eco & ethical’ products,” says Executive Director, Lara Charles.

Planet Goodness launches nationwide on Tuesday 6th November.

Lara Charles said Planet Goodness is giving people the opportunity to try ethical products by removing the barriers of uncertainty around green-washing and access.

“Ultimately, our goal is to create mainstream markets for these products by showcasing ‘planet-positive’ products and offering incentives for the consumer to try them,” Lara continued. “Our vision is to even the playing field for our local sustainable businesses, by connecting them with a massive community of receptive consumers.”

Planet Goodness has developed an integrity check process to maintain high standards for the products it sells, which includes the formation of an independent product panel who vet and approve all products. The panel is made up of industry leaders such as Rachel Brown (Sustainable Business Network), Kath Dewar (Goodsense Marketing) and Ben Gleisner (Conscious Consumers).

“Our goal with this is to provide a trusted place where shoppers can be sure the products sold on our site are genuinely good,” she continued.

The first offer, which is live on 6 November, is a promotion on Eco Store’s Healthy Home Starter Kit, raising funds for the Inspiring Stories Trust.

Other green and ethical brands running promotions through Planet Goodness include Trilogy, Kokako, Trade Aid, Micah Clothing, Artemis, Geoskincare, Ktea and Growsmart.

Charity partners include Plunket, Forest & Bird, Oxfam, Spinning Top, Inspiring Stories Trust, National Heart Foundation, 350 Aoteaora, Women’s Refuge and WWF. Charity partners receive a portion of each offer sold.

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