Proposed Regional Pest Management Strategy Decisions

Thursday 8 November 2012, 3:28PM

By Marlborough District Council



Decisions on the Proposed Regional Pest Management Strategy for Marlborough

In accordance with section 79B(4) of the Biosecurity Act 1993, the Council is publicly notifying the availability of:

  • Decisions on the submissions received to the Proposed Regional Pest Management Strategy for
  • Marlborough (Proposed Strategy); and
  • A new pest management strategy (new Strategy) incorporating those decisions.


The decisions and the new Strategy may be inspected without fee at any of the following locations at any time that these places are open to the public:

  • The Council’s Office, Seymour Street, Blenheim
  • The Marlborough Library, Arthur Street, Blenheim
  • The Council’s Picton Office and the Picton Library, High Street, Picton
  • The Havelock, Seddon, Ward and Rai Valley Community Libraries


Alternatively, you can view the decision document and the new Strategy on this website in the Biosecurity section.

Every person who made a submission to the Proposed Strategy will receive a letter from the Council advising of the Council’s decision regarding their submission and their rights of appeal to the Environment Court.