Positive Ageing - Depression

Thursday 8 November 2012, 3:29PM

By Marlborough District Council



Depression can have a debilitating effect on older people and, in too many cases, it goes undetected.

Losing a lifetime partner is very destabilising for some people and other health or medication issues can directly affect mood. Retirement itself may be a trigger for depression as can the money worries that emerge for some people when wage earning becomes a thing of the past.

Symptoms of depression can include fatigue, weight loss and disturbed sleep, social withdrawal and abandonment of hobbies or increased use of alcohol or drugs.

A number of other health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer and MS can bring about depression and a range of medications can have depressive side effects.

It’s important to seek help. Depression and dementia, for example, can have similar symptoms.

The family GP should be able to help, and organisations working on behalf of older people in Marlborough can offer counselling and support.

More information:
Age Concern Marlborough: Helen North, Ph: 03 579 3457
Alzheimer’s Marlborough Centre, Ph: 03 577 6172
Ministry of Health: Depression Helpline (free) 0800 111 757
Mental Health Foundation pamphlet “Late Life Depression” available on