Courage to make decisions will create thousands of new jobs.....

Friday 9 November 2012, 2:15PM

By Auckland Chamber of Commerce


One employment survey result doesn’t make a crises, says Auckland Chamber of Commerce CEO Michael Barnett.

“I think we are making too much of this Household Labour survey.” It is an overly generous survey of 15,000 households throughout New Zealand undertaken by phone. As such it takes into account anyone who maybe at home at the time that wants a second job, part time role, paper round, someone who wouldn’t mind doing a few hours a week for pocket money and so on.

“Our true measure is the actual registered unemployment statistic. It is a better reality check of who is genuinely unemployed and in need of support.  For example, in Auckland the unemployment benefit numbers have dropped, but this survey doesn’t reflect this.”

This survey needs to be put alongside the mismatch between job seekers and job opportunities in places like Canterbury and Auckland and elsewhere.

“Here in Auckland we have agreed projects awaiting decisions to proceed that could provide upwards of 5000 new jobs tomorrow, including:

  • A need for 10,000 new houses to be built every year for the next 30 years – we are currently building just 4000 per year;
  • A national convention centre awaits a ‘go’ decision;
  • The leaking home issue is urgent, and has a huge job opportunity; and
  • There are transport projects, such as Waterview on the western ring route that could be accelerated.”


“The only thing holding back these projects is the decision-making. We need to have the courage to take decisions to bring these projects forward,” said Mr Barnett.

“We need a culture change to get ourselves focused around taking actions to solve our problems.”