Plenty of student jobs in Christchurch, says Student Job Search

Monday 12 November 2012, 6:42PM

By University of Canterbury



University of Canterbury students have plenty of opportunities for jobs in 2013 as the post-quake rebuild swings into action.

Student Job Search (SJS) spokesman Dean Jervis said today SJS normally lists 50,000 plus vacancies for students nationally and countrywide they are currently tracking 10 percent ahead of last year for vacancies listed.

``Christchurch is well ahead of the rest of the country with a 30 percent increase on last year. We had 5786 job vacancies for Canterbury for the calendar as at October 31 last year, compared to 8303 for the same period this year. This paints a positive picture on the student employment front in Canterbury.

``The increased vacancies are creating more opportunity for UC students to gain valuable work experience as well as earn some extra money. Equally the business community of the Canterbury region are successfully leveraging the skills and the good value students have to offer their businesses. Everybody benefits.’’

UC Students Association president Erin Jackson said Christchurch was working hard to pick itself up from the quakes, with more and more businesses re-opening around town.

``This is exciting for students and their part-time employment prospects as the key employment areas such as hospitality, are on the rise. Through job agencies, such as Student Job Search, we know there are a huge number of vacancies available in Canterbury right now which is fantastic news.’’

UC‘s CareerHub, the vacancy portal for UC students and graduates, has reported  more than a 30 percent increase in employment opportunities advertised relevant to studies and or qualifications offered at UC, and it included part-time and internship opportunities.

Looking ahead to 2013 there are early signs of a recovery at UC with enrolment applications by domestic students up over 10 percent compared to this time last year, four weeks after applications opened.

UC Vice-Chancellor Dr Rod Carr said there were still places in University Hall and Ilam Village for first time and returning students.

``We have heard more than 50 applications for new bars, cafes and restaurants are in front of consenting authorities, adding to the 600 plus entertainment premises open in the city. We are now the fastest growing city in New Zealand. As Lonely Planet Guide said, Christchurch is one of the top ten cities in the world when it comes to excitement and opportunity’,’’ Dr Carr said.