Smart Energy Expo Unlocks Secret to an Energy Independent Future

Monday 12 November 2012, 8:36PM

By JML Communications


The secret to energy independence has arrived for those kiwis tired of being caught in the pincer movement of rising power bills and increasing petrol prices. Showcasing the latest in electric vehicles, home generation using solar power and other technologies and smart grid technology, the first-ever EnaSolar Smart Energy Expo promises a wealth of information for those who dream of taking control of energy prices and their energy needs.

Brendan Winitana, Chairman of the Sustainable Electricity Association of New Zealand (SEANZ) says that the time is right for New Zealanders to think about becoming more energy self-sufficient.

“With state asset sales on the horizon, who knows where power prices will end up? Home and business solar power solutions are increasingly affordable and the technology is improving all the time. By harnessing the free energy of the sun, kiwis can generate much of the power needs for their own homes and sell any excess back to the grid. It’s a worthwhile long term investment that has a pay-back period of less than seven years and becomes profit-generating after that.

“Likewise, electric vehicles are set to become mainstream within the next five years. For city commuters and people with low to medium daily mileage, electric vehicles are considerably cheaper to run and maintain as well as being great for the environment.

“We’ve brought everything that anyone could ever want to know about solar technology, on-site generation and electric cars together under one roof.  People can hear directly from industry experts and practitioners on the technologies, how to implement, how to fund and learn better ways to become energy independent,” says Winitana.

In addition to home solar generation, the expo will feature exhibitors from New Zealand, Germany and Australia showcasing:
·         New electric vehicles featuring the new Holden Volt

·         Solar systems and building integrated solar technology

·         Wind turbine and mini/micro hydro systems

·         Energy storage systems

·         Smart grid, energy efficiency and management

·         The latest finance model and options for  consumers

·         Eco-housing and insulation

What: EnaSolar Smart Energy Expo
When:  Friday 23 and Saturday 24 November, 10am to 5pm each day
Where:  Wellington Town Hall Auditorium, 109 Wakefield Street, Wellington
Cost: Free (if pre-registered by emailing for complimentary VIP passes) otherwise $10 at the door.

Winitana promises lots to see and do. “This is the first time that New Zealand and Australian companies have exhibited together. There’ll be lots of experience, case studies and real world analysis for visitors to tap into. For anyone interested in on-site electricity generation or electric cars, this is the place to be.”

SEANZ will be giving away a New Zealand designed electric Yike Bike (worth >$3,000) as well as the latest Smart multi-function TV during the expo.