Coast FM Poll: Around 87% Don't Buy The Man-Made Global Warming Lie

Thursday 17 December 2009, 10:06AM

By Clare Swinney


Carbon Dioxide Is Essential To Life On Earth
Carbon Dioxide Is Essential To Life On Earth Credit: Brocke Lever

There is an on-line poll running right now on Coast FM's website regarding global warming, which gives voters three options to choose from, one of which relates to the notion that it is getting hotter and we need to act now as we are "killing the planet." At around 9.42 am today, this was the result, showing that the vast majority do not believe that humans are the cause of changes to the climate:

Question: "Global Warming. What do you think?"

No proof. The sceptics are right. It's just another phase in the earth's life cycle:  78.05%

Getting hotter. It's us we're killing the planet. Need to act now!:  12.60%

Certainly warmer, but its natural not man made: 9.35%


The poll is on the bottom left of the home page.


Close Up Viewers Poll Indicates 77% Don’t Buy The Man-Made Global Warming Lie