Get the edge

Get the edge

Credit: New Zealand Young Farmers

Casey  Huffstutler

1 February 2011, 2:12PM

Casey Huffstutler


NZYF is a social organisation which is tonnes of fun with down to earth people. Each club has its own identity and community spirit, backed by a national organisation. You make friends for life and develop your personal and practical skills through participation and achievement.

Purpose of Young Farmers - why do people join?

•social development
•swap ideas
•team work
•community awareness
•upskill - life, communication, business
•unity and camaraderie
•agriculture industry involvement

It is full of personal and educational benefits which may include:

Practical/Personal Benefits
4WD Training
Stock Judging
Firearms Use
Problem Solving
Planning and Logistical management
Farm Safety
Personal Exposure
Network of Contacts/Friends
Social Interaction
Creative Expression
Best Industry Practice Technical/Agribusiness Benefits
Public Speaking
Interview Experience
International Travel
Meeting Procedure Training
Leadership Training
Business Development
Financial Management
Report Development and Critique
Network of Contacts
Personal Exposure
Marketing Experience
Interpersonal Management
Strategic Planning Training
Free Financial Seminars