Red Tape Exhibition

Red Tape Exhibition


12 January 2013, 11:46AM



Red Tape

Red Tape is a series of acrylic paintings by local Alan Hodgetts that take a poke at modern bureaucracy.

Wellington is a city of suits.

The Government is the city's biggest employer. At least one in every 10 workers in Wellington is a bureaucrat.

The theme and inspiration behind this series of six paintings comes directly from working in this city.

Maybe at times the public perception of unwieldy inefficient bureaucracies and corporate fiefdoms is completely accurate?

Each of the paintings are tongue in cheek ‘observations’ of Wellington office life.

Whether you are a paper shuffler, policy grandee, meeting professional or have an inordinately long job title, these paintings will make you think about modern bureaucracy. More importantly the aim is to make you smile.

The paintings can be seen indoors at the Asteron centre during normal business hours, and from the pavement outside after hours.

For more information on the artist go to the website.