'Then and Now' by Harmony Gaw

'Then and Now' by Harmony Gaw

Credit: Harmony Gaw

Gallery thirty three

28 June 2010, 3:53PM

Gallery thirty three


There is a dream like quality to Harmony Gaw's work, the subject matter seeming to exist within an imagined realm. The highly metaphorical content and meticulous attention to detail of Gaw's paintings are distinct to the artist. Working in oil on canvas as well as three dimensional soft sculpture, Gaw characteristically floats imagery on a textured or coloured grounding providing a sense of drama to the central motif. Vintage fabric patterns emerge from the darkness while elaborate antique trimmings and frames bring to mind a sense of history. Dress pins act as map markers to places the artist owns an affinity, the North and South Island acting as embellished pin cushions imprinted with sentiments of love, betrayal and attachment. Birds of prey, clouds, and mountains are an integral part of Gaw’s subject matter, reflecting her passion for alpine sports such as paragliding. The romantic imagery and space given to each symbolic representation express Gaw's desire for beauty, balance and freedom.

Harmony Gaw is currently exhibiting in Thread at Gallery Thirty Three: