5 Money-Saving Car Tips Down Under-ers Needs to Know

Wednesday 26 April 2017, 10:30AM

By Media PA


5 Money-Saving Car Tips Down Under-ers Needs to Know
5 Money-Saving Car Tips Down Under-ers Needs to Know Credit: Media PA

Peter Minkoff

Owning a car is a huge responsibility and not everyone can handle it. It’s not just about buying it, but also about maintaining it daily and making sure everything’s all right. Unfortunately, regular check-ups and visits to a mechanic are quite costly, which is why you need to try and save money any way you can. Here are 5 money-saving tips every driver in Australia needs to take into consideration.


Buying a used car

You can buy a used car regardless of your budget, but, depending on how much money you’re willing to spend, there are lots of variables you need to consider. Define what you’re looking for, think about how often you’ll be needing a vehicle and what type of a car you would like to have. Once you narrow the search to a handful of models, consult a trustworthy mechanic before making a decision. Finally, settle the paperwork and you’re good to go.


Negotiate the price

Trying to save as much money as possible is essential when purchasing a car, so you should always try to negotiate the price a bit. Be persistent and determined, and you can save more than you’ve imagined. Check out some of the negotiation tactics in advance and be prepared to face your dealer. First, pitch a lower offer and then work towards meeting them halfway. If that doesn’t work, simply walk away to a different dealership or rent a car instead of buying one – in New Zealand, for example, doing this makes much more sense as long as you’re careful. Remember: you are free to choose where you’re going to spend your money.


Consider the finances

When looking for a new car, approach the dealership carefully, be aware of their tactics and don’t let them fool you. Learning how a tricky dealership finance office can fool you into getting a model out of your price range is essential, so don’t give in no matter how persistent they are. Find a way to pay for the car before stepping into the dealership and make sure it suits your monthly budget – a number of banks in Australia offer consultation and tips for car buyers, so talk to them as well.


Be your own boss

Whether you buy a new or used car – and in places like New Zealand opting for the latter is much more common – you’ll need a reliable mechanic who’ll maintain it for you. However, since these costs can become a financial challenge for you, you might want to learn to do certain things on your own. That way, you’ll save money and become more independent on the road, which is always good. Things you can handle in your own garage include checking air filters, cleaning windshield wipers, replacing oil, cleaning oil filters, as well as installing a new fuel filter.


Save money on the road

Not that many people know how they can save money on the road. If you pay attention to your mileage and fuel consumption, you can easily calculate whether your car is as fuel-efficient as the car salesman claimed. But, most importantly, don’t drive too fast and watch out for police patrols as these are two of the most common ways to lose money on the road. Also, make sure you know the road rules in your area – these vary from state to state, so pay close attention to the road signs while driving.


Other tips

Some of the other ways to save money when purchasing or driving a car include getting an affordable warranty, finding an adequate insurance policy, being a good negotiator and, finally, choosing when to buy your car – purchasing it in December, for instance, can save you a ton of money!