Umbrella Make a Positive Difference in the Workplace

Monday 19 June 2017, 4:37PM

By Beckie Wright


At Umbrella they strive to make a positive difference in the workplace by bringing their specialist skills as clinical psychologists to enhance individual wellbeing - and through wellbeing – performance, and their tikanga is to bring the science of what works for people, teams and organisations into action in the workplace.

Umbrella achieves this by partnering with organisations at three levels:

Organisational Level: Umbrella works with Senior Leadership and Human Resources Teams to assess and measure resilience and wellness needs, design and deliver evidence-based programmes to meet these needs, and enhance individual and organisational resilience. They also assess and measure the effectiveness of programmes and consult to integrate policies, practices and procedures within the organisation.

Team Level: Teams have unique needs within an organisation, and at Umbrella they tailor requested interventions to the specific needs and nuances of the team or they can identify and implement best-practice team solutions.

Individual Level: As clinical psychologists, the Umbrella team have specialist skills in assessing and treating mental health conditions and achieving behaviour change. Umbrella works with individuals by providing evidence-based interventions to valued staff to deal with challenging common problems and to thrive, and psychological therapies for mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety and substance abuse, as well as tweaking personality characteristics.

They also coach their managers in supporting staff with mental health conditions and to manage tricky personalities, and provide comprehensive third-party assessments of employees, so for more information on Umbrella and their effective resilience training programmes, please go to  .