Solve Acne Issues with Naturopathy Treatment from Orange Clinic

Thursday 29 November 2018, 5:36PM

By Beckie Wright


Acne treatment from naturopathy clinic Orange Clinic of Natural Medicine can identify the cause and provide comprehensive treatment options for their clients. The clinic is run by naturopaths Libby Adams and Amanda Haskell who have extensive experience in natural herbal medicine and treatments. 

Hormone imbalance, genetic predisposition, poor skin regime, digestive imbalance and stress can cause acne.  Acne, scientifically known as acne vulgaris, affects about 80 per cent of people between 11 and 30 years of age, so it is indeed a common skin condition. It can affect older people, 12 per cent of people continue to have flare-ups late into their lives.

Orange Health’s naturopathic perspective considers all aspects of the disease – mental, emotional and physical. Stress affects all body systems, and poor liver function can contribute to breakouts as liver is the major detoxification organ responsible for flushing toxins out of the body. If the liver is sluggish, toxins and waste products are not effectively cleared from the body and need to escape somewhere, this is often through the skin. A healthy liver makes a huge difference to the health of the skin.

Acne can leave emotional scars, cause social embarrassment, and even lead to anxiety and depression. Orange Health support their clients with dietary needs, by assessing the current diet and checking for intolerances. The clinic does hair testing to check allergies or intolerances, and can even plan an elimination diet in order to identify issues.

Resetting the digestive system with the support of Orange Health can help detoxify and repair the gut to reduce inflammation and toxicity so that the skin has the best chance to heal. Supplementing with adaptogens like Rhodiola or Withania and Vitamin B’s and C can also strengthen the nervous system, and help reduce stress. This can be supported by regular meditation and breathing exercises.

Orange Health can also help correct hormonal imbalance issues by identifying what is affecting the skin and use correct diet and supplementation to reduce acne. An appropriate skin care regime from Orange Health can control oil production or support sensitive skin. With so many possible underlying causes for acne Orange Health can make treatment simpler by personalising the best treatment.  By treating the cause of the condition and resolve acne for good.   

For more information on Orange Health, alternative medicine, food allergies, eczema treatment, acne treatment and more, visit

Orange Health can be contacted on 04 801 7520 or