Midas NZ Delivers Master Diagnostics for Dashboard Warning Lights

Tuesday 26 March 2019, 1:01PM

By Beckie Wright


Cars are smart enough to know what ails them. That’s why Midas NZ is proud to provide New Zealand’s top dashboard light repair services. When check engine, airbag, anti-lock brakes (ABS), transmission, or tyre pressure lights switch on, Midas NZ offers affordable diagnostics checks to identify automotive issues and repair them before a warning becomes a disaster.


Check engine lights often indicate that a problem exists somewhere within a car’s emissions system. A vehicle’s computer is likely receiving concerning or faulty data from an oxygen sensor, emission control sensor, or other emission component. Emissions issues can cause reduced fuel efficiency in a vehicle, running up the cost of ownership and increasing polution. Midas NZ can pinpoint the cause of a vehicle’s emissions problems and replace the damaged part, improving fuel efficiency and keeping cars affordable to drive and friendly to the environment.


Other lights, such as the airbag or ABS lights, could indicate imminent safety concerns. The failure of key safety systems within a vehicle can do more than sink its WOF inspection. Midas NZ has the tools to find faults in safety equipment and make sure drivers across New Zealand are well-protected and driving with peace of mind.


Check engine lights give drivers the opportunity to make simple, affordable automotive repairs before further damage is caused to their vehicles. With over 20 locations across New Zealand, Midas NZ is never far away. Their expert diagnostic services and friendly, affordable service help drivers save money be heading off more expensive repairs further down the road.


If you see warning lights on your dashboard, don’t hesitate. Get in touch with the automotive professionals at Midas NZ today!


For more information regarding Midas NZ’s diagnostic and repair services, click here: