BUSINESS Suggest Carpet Tiles For the Bach

Wednesday 11 December 2019, 11:39AM

By Beckie Wright


Among those lucky Kiwis who will be heading to the bach at the beach this summer, there will be many who like to spend their time renovating and doing up their favourite habitation. It may need painting or a new deck, or the carpet or lino may be looking very worn and tatty, and suggest their versatile carpet tiles, which are easy to handle in small spaces, and quick to install.

Because carpet tiles are modular they're easy to uplift, move around and replace, which is a particular benefit in your beach bach, where you may be changing sleeping arrangements or furniture. Similarly, with stains, localised wear or spills - just uplift and replace the tiles affected.

Carpet tiles are generally low on installation waste, and less expensive to transport, handle and install than carpets, and offer significant cost benefits. It's also possible to introduce design to an environment, simply by being imaginative about the colour combinations used. These designs might be simple geometrics or more complex organics, but they can often be achieved just by combining solid colours with a bit of thought.

Carpet tiles are very durable, and if you choose the right specification for your application a carpet tile will perform just as well, if not better, than most other floor coverings, in similar, and appropriate, circumstances.

Carpet Tiles are low maintenance.  For the most part, regular vacuuming will suffice, combined with targeted spot cleaning for problem areas, and increased frequency for high traffic and 'point of entry' areas (particularly at beach level) and your carpet tiles should maintain their appearance without difficulty.

Carpet tiles are very easy to replace, so that when the time comes to replace your carpet tiles, those that are on the floor at the moment, will be reasonably quick and easy to remove, as long as they were installed appropriately, in the first instance, so for more information on residential carpet tiles, carpet tiles

Auckland and carpet tile adhesive please go to .