Roof Auckland Explain Why a Faulty Roof Invites Pests

Monday 21 June 2021, 7:36PM

By Beckie Wright


With winter fast approaching it is important to take the time to ensure your roof and associated components are in good condition to withstand the many different weather scenarios, heavy rain, strong winds, as your roof tends to be hit harder during this time.

While you may consider your roof to be indestructible, it's actually far from it, and during the winter hibernation, many common indoor pests are particularly attracted to moist areas. 

If allowed to linger for too long, pests can cause terrible damage to a roof, and while you might think it's easy to determine a pest infestation, that's not always the case. With that in mind, here Roof Auckland have a few tips to follow to ensure you enjoy a leak-free winter, starting with the obvious; keeping the roof clean.

Debris is one of the leading causes of roof damage and leaks, so you need to ensure that your roof is free of dead leaves, wayward branches, rubbish and other waste. If you have trees with branches that hang over your roof, have the branches trimmed. This will greatly reduce the amount of organic debris that ends up on your roof in the first place, making the need for roofing repairs less likely.

You also need to look for interior signs of leaks. Roof leaks will often reveal themselves as stains on your ceiling or as stains and wet areas in your attic. Over time, exposure to the elements, as well as storm related debris can damage your roof deck, compromising the integrity of your roof shingles. If possible, check flashings and other penetrations, including around chimneys and exhaust vents. Be sure these areas are properly sealed against the weather.

If heavy rainfall occurs, water can collect and enter under the roof tiles, causing major damage to the structure of your home, and during the winter season, strong winds can threaten the integrity of our roof. In combination with hail and rain, these winds could tear off any tile that is not properly attached, causing significant damage, since water could leak into your house through that space.

So it's very important to keep your roof in good shape during the winter season, particularly if you want to stay pest free. If in doubt, you should have a roof inspection done to ensure it will protect you during heavy rain, hail and strong winds, and for  more information on roof repairs Auckland please go to .