ALCP: 'We will guarantee patients access to medical marijuana if elected in November'

Thursday 21 July 2011, 2:58PM

By Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party


The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party will disband Medsafe if elected in
November to ensure that cannabis and other natural medicines are freely
available to patients who need them.

The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party (ALCP) are standing candidates in
every electorate and need 5% of the Party Vote to enter parliament.

In 2007 Medsafe began a "modern day witch hunt" against the natural
health industry, prosecuting and seizing stock from producers of natural
remedies who claim their products have therapeutic benefits.

This follows decades of persecution of medical cannabis users in New

New Zealand's first saint, mother Mary Aubert would be appalled at the
current prohibition of cannabis, an extremely effective and safe

Auckland Multiple Sclerosis sufferer Anna (not her real name) said she
thought cannabis was a crock when someone recommended it to her.

"Well lo and behold it was no crock," she said. "It turned my life

"I had cannabis and I functioned, I could be an active part of the
community and that is all I wanted, I wanted my Independence."

Anna said she hated being treated like a criminal.

"Why the hell should we keep hiding what we do," she said. "I'm not
hurting anybody but they are quite prepared to hurt me."

"We should be looked after and not be made to that we are no better
than a methamphetamine cook."

Medsafe have failed to distribute cannabis alternative sativex to
patients in need as well as refusing to allow the industrial hemp
industry to develop in New Zealand.